- the first little great thing that happened today...COSTCO, with my husband. We never get to do anything together and I'm always doing those tedious errands by myself. It was bliss and I want to do it again next weekend.
- great little thing #2. . . .on Friday my mom had a cat cry at her office door, she opened the door, said cat came in, crawled under her desk, and proceeded to successfully deliver 5 kittens. And though it is sad that she is a homeless kitty with 5 kittens and no daddy to speak of. . .oh, the preciousness of a mama cat loving her babies and trying to do what is right?? That my friends, is a priceless quite giggle and I got to go over today and see that mama and her babies snuggling and cuddling like they knew they'd hit the lottery. Spread the word my friends, in about 6 weeks all these guys are going to need forever homes.
- #3 of the little things. . . Pledge has come out with new Multi-Surface Cleaner. Now, I loved the original, but this one rocks to the next degree. It is in an aerosol can (yeah, I'm all about the environment, but it isn't hairspray people). . .it smells good, it cleans great on all my surfaces, it's not watery. . .no streaking. . .it's the bomb man.
- and last of the little things that made me happy today (drum roll please). . . .SPRING SCARVES!!!!!! Whoever came up with this is my hero of the day. I love scarves and to think that now I can wear them FOREVER. . .oh, it almost leaves me speechless. I have found many many wonderful spring scarves at Target and TJ Maxx. . .lovely colors and fabrics and great prices, so I don't care if I get paint on them in the studio. I wore my first one today. . .couldn't stand it. Granted I had to wear a sweater and my very fake Costco Uggs. . .but I wore the scarf!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Doesn't Take Much To Make Me Happy
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Rainbows and Tornados
A little scrap wire, beads that didn't seem to belong anywhere, crumpled thin sheet metal. . .and a pencil. . .BAMMM. . .big fun for me!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
New Day
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
There Will Be No Pictures Today
Monday, March 23, 2009
I Know I Know I Know
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Nobody's Dog
After a spit bath and a good towel dry. ..some water, food, and a warm place to sleep.. .he woke up this morning a normal puppy. ..like nothing bad had ever happened in his life. Which made me realize that my fav dog man, Cesar Milan, is right when he says that dogs live in the moment. Last night he was cold, hungry and a little bit leery of the world. . .today, he is playing with Hoot and Tallulah like he's known them his whole life. . .he rests in a comfy bed as if it is the ground he is accustomed to. . .and he lays in my arms and soaks up all the love I can give him like he expects nothing less.
So, I've thought about it and just for a week. ..I'm going to think like Nobody's Dog. I'm going to wake up every morning and embrace it as a new day. No matter what might have happened the day before, or even minutes before I fell alseep. ..I'm starting every day from scratch. I want to see how hard it is to put a day behind you and really focus on the now. . .I don't want to be Nobody's Dog, but I think I can learn a lot from him.
And. . .know that he is no longer Nobody's Dog. . .for now he is Billabong and we will make him feel like he is Someone Really Special's Dog. . .because soon, when we find him a forever home, he will be.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Show Must Go On
See for me, my furniture and my art.. .well, they are kind of like my fosters. Every piece has a little bit of my blood, sweat, and tears. . .a lot of love and passion. . .and a good time was sure to be had creating it. . .so, I want them to be just as loved and appreciated when they leave here. The same for my rescues. . .all I want is for someone to love them as much as I do because I know how wonderfully unique each one is.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty
Finished Furniture For the March Show A Salvaged Plant Stand and a Child's Bench made from an Old Iron Bed and Old Table Leaves. . .both in my favorite shades of pink and green!
With only one true work week to go until the March Studio Thursday. . .it's getting down to the nitty gritty!!!!! Sometimes I get frustrated because I have a million and one ideas that I never get to before a show and I always feel like I'm not "finished". Whether it's a great furniture idea or just a cool new saying. . .there is always something that doesn't get done. I just have to say No Problem. . .there is always next month. However, this time. . .I forgot about Easter products falling under the March show. . .so. . .I feel like the Easter Bunny trying to get the eggs decorated before the big day!!!!!! I love it this way though. . .I love the chaos and the crunch! So, if you ever hear me complain. . .understand that those are words of love!
The Lazy Susans Don't Look Like Much in Their Early Stages. . .but they will be full of color and charisma before the show.
Sometimes I Just Need to Paint Lots and Lots of Bright Colors. . . .these are clothespins on their way to being something cooler than just a clothespin!!!
I NEED SPRING. . .WHAT ABOUT YOU? I'm absolutely craving color. This weekend's snow was so beautiful. . .but snow is white and I need YELLOW, PINK, AND GREEN!!!!! So I found myself just throwing color on anything that would stand still!!!!!! My mom has always said that if sits too long in my house it will eventually get painted!!! In fact, she used to say that she didn't want to waste money on a fancy casket, so would we please just put her in a pine box. . .well, now she is so worried that I'll paint it that she has declared that she would like her body to go to science. I swear she means it!!
Our latest foster, Bon Temps, will be leaving soon for Maryville, TN. He is a wonderful Basset that was in pretty bad shape when he came to us. But he is now eating good food, gaining weight, and starting to find his voice again (in that crazy hound way!) I think he has been one of our favorites. ..lazy and laid back. . .a real lover. He will be missed.