Monday, February 23, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

I have so many things that I love in this world. . .and I'm not talking about my family, friends and pets. . ..I mean THINGS. ... .actual inanimate objects that just simply make me happy. What is so amazing about those things? They are so cheap!!!!! I mean who doesn't love to have a doughy little Hawaiin girl dancing on their desk?

I don't love eye candy that costs lots of money. . .it's the little bits of here and there that make me smile. There are no rules to what draws me in. . .it could be color. . .it could be size. . .quirky or simple. . .meaningful or meaningless.. .it just doesn't matter as long as it gives me a giggle or a sigh. And when I stop giggling, I just pass it along to someone else. These things are scattered all through my home and they inspire me everyday.

A Handful of Today's Favorite Things
(Which Could Change at Any Minute Because I'm Just That Way)
Architectural Salvage is the basis of my furniture. ..taking the old and turning it into something new. But, sometimes, they make a better statement if you don't touch them at all. . .but just place them where they can be enjoyed, as is.

This is one of my most favorite pieces in the whole house. can only see a piece of the pie here. . .the dearest member of my tribe, Cynthia Torroll, made this beautiful mermaid as a house warming gift. ..constructed out of of old CD's. . . mmmmm, I just love her as she swims on her side.

Gotta be the polka dotted Duncan Fife. . . .I love finding a cool piece with great bones,whether it's on the side of the road, at a yard sale, visiting the flea market or a favorite antique shop. . .and then some Sir's Fabric to boot. . . .YIKES. . .that's the combination for perfection!!! Who can't giggle on this couch?


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday at the Silo

I love Saturdays. . .I love Mondays the most because I have the whole week ahead of me to create cool things, but I love Saturdays because there is such a creative buzz here in the studio. It's the only work day of the week when I have company other than the dogs!!! Montie comes on Saturdays to build furniture. . .Patrick is home willing to lend a hand as well as the boys. . .sometimes I just feel like more gets done on a Saturday than Monday thru Friday!!!!!

a ton of kids chairs just painted and waiting to be distressed. . ..drawers lined up like building blocks in need of some cool hardware. . .

furniture packed in like sardines eager for a little love!!!

People always ask me what we do with everything in- between shows. Well, most of the time we sell a big percentage of everything so we just move aside stuff and pack it away. . .tuck it out of view. . .and we've even been known to just use it in the house until the next show. However. . .it doesn't really matter because once a show is over we just have to start building and painting more. . . so, the big room in the house that we use for Studio Thursdays actually ends up looking more like a workshop!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Have you ever really had the time of your life?

I love milk glass. . .thought since I also love letters and symbols I'd add some to these pieces and see how it came out. . . .what a great way to spell out what's on your mind!!!!

More clipboards for my shoppers!!!

New big art for the next show, full of great spring color!!!!! Some new ideas, some old favorites.

So. . .heard this line on a movie the other night and couldn't help but think. . .Have I ever really had the time of my life? I mean. . .I can think of so many great times that I have been blessed with. . .but is there just one that is the ultimate. . .I mean THE TIME? Everyday seems like such a great time for me. . .I'm in the studio. . .doing what I love, surrounded by all my animals. . .in a wonderful home. . .talking on the phone to great friends. . .fixing dinner for my boys. . .maybe I'm blessed that everyday is THE TIME OF MY LIFE? Is that possible? Just something to think about.

I've been lazy in the studio today. The peer pressure from my friends to get on facebook finally got to me and I had to do it. . .then I just got so busy with it that before I knew it. . ..mid-day had come upon me and I was hungry!!!!!!

However, I've done some playing. . .I'll try to post my pictures appropriately, but assuming that doesn't happen. . .whoever might read this will figure it all out!!!!

And oh. . ..Dudley has a home!!!!! He will be going to a wonderful horse farm in Chattanooga to be a companion to an older man and his family. Tomorrow we will say goodbye and he will be on his way to his forever home. . ..Yay for Dudley!!!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

There is Such a Thing as Too Much Spare Time

Okay. . .so I can't exactly figure out how to put these pictures where I want them. . .but, here are the pics that I refer to in the last paragraph of my first day blogging!!! I'll get the hang of it soon. . .or I'll call a friend for help! I

This is the picture of Dudley that I also can't get with the paragraph I intended. read on!!!!

Oh My Gosh!!!! All three of my guys have been gone since Friday morning and I think I'm about to go nuts. . .and it isn't just that I miss them. . .I just don't know what to do with all of this free time. What will I ever do when they go off to college. . .I'll definitely have to rescue more dogs. . .puppies I think.
I thought I would get so much done in the studio. . .but not really. I've piddled with some ideas, but not the mass outpour of product that I thought would happen. I'm such a crunch time girl. And I've discovered that I'm the slob. ..not my 16 year old. There is no one here but me and yet the place is trashed. . .go figure. . .

Our new foster, Dudley, is trying to find his place here. But, I think he knows that it's only temporary. . .he doesn't seem to want to "unpack" all his stuff. He's a good guy though, with his big goofy ears, just hope he gets a forever home soon so he can start his life.

So. . .a couple of weeks ago, my new friend Sherry came over to play in my studio and we goofed off making some belt-buckles. I had so much fun and this weekend when I couldn't decide what to do, I thought I'd play with a few more.'s a gander at a few of my favorites.
I think maybe this is enough for day one. . .since I'm getting frustrated with my photoraphs and their placement. . .plus, My Big Love BFF is coming over for Sunday nite HBO so we can be in awe of Juniper Creek together!!!!!