I love Saturdays. . .I love Mondays the most because I have the whole week ahead of me to create cool things, but I love Saturdays because there is such a creative buzz here in the studio. It's the only work day of the week when I have company other than the dogs!!! Montie comes on Saturdays to build furniture. . .Patrick is home willing to lend a hand as well as the boys. . .sometimes I just feel like more gets done on a Saturday than Monday thru Friday!!!!!
People always ask me what we do with everything in- between shows. Well, most of the time we sell a big percentage of everything so we just move aside stuff and pack it away. . .tuck it out of view. . .and we've even been known to just use it in the house until the next show. However. . .it doesn't really matter because once a show is over we just have to start building and painting more. . . so, the big room in the house that we use for Studio Thursdays actually ends up looking more like a workshop!!!!
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